
My lesson to my 11 year old self

Moved by the letter sent to all year 6 pupils by their school which has flooded the internet, I want to share my own letter to my own 11 year old self. I would love to hear your thoughts. Dear Lucy As

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The power of group coaching

Group coaching, round tables, masterminds, action learning sets…. call it what you will but I LOVE it. It is such a powerful, quick and efficient way to learn, develop and get results that I, as

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It’s funny how some songs, quotes or people manage to motivate us without effort. Every time I feel like quitting, I hear my personal trainer singing NOT GIVING IN over the mic in our spin class. When

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Stop giving bad leaders a hard time!

I have been reading so many articles and blogs about leadership that I should be thinking that the world is run by value based, highly empowering, highly authentic leaders.  If it were then my work would

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Why does leadership matter?

In western cultures we love to create leaders.  We have leadership programmes in schools, colleges and the workplace, yet there is still confusion as to what is a leader and why does it matter. What we

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Drop the mask and be you

I forget sometimes how difficult it is for us to drop the mask and be ourselves.  You would think it is the easiest thing in the world, being yourself, yet we do almost everything we can do be someone

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How to be a hero

I wonder how many people quit before they succeed. I see so many people quit before they even start, which is a tragedy, but those that quit after they have made the mental change is so sad.  I have this

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Business – start at the beginning

Have you ever been on a path and then got completely lost?  Yes me too. I have been walking round a maze and I think I have now found the exit.  Ironically I have found myself at the beginning again. Back

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