
Category Archives for values

3wh fun and play

How successful leaders create a fun culture and why it matters

Work is hard. Hard work leads to success. Slave to work. It's a dog eat dog world. These attitudes don't make me want to jump out of bed and skip to work each day. Thankfully attitudes are changing

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Why coaching could be the best investment for Generation X Leaders

Leader X is coming into their own. Generation X may only account for 20% of the workforce, but they have taken 51% of the leadership roles. They are the start up masters and want to make a difference.

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How attractive are you as a leader?

I could not have imagined the workplace of today as I soon my first job after graduating back in 1998.  Back then we still had fax machines, fixed hours and we had our own desk.  Working from home was

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Talk nice. Confidence part 3

Think back to a time in your life when you have felt invincible. When what you were doing felt easy, in flow, and you felt powerful. What were you doing? Who were you with? I bet you felt an inner

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7 truths about confident people

A reoccurring topic that I see with clients is lack of confidence. This shows up in so many different disguises, but beneath it always stems down to confidence. Lack of confidence shows up in so many

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