
Category Archives for strength

My Story – Why I do what I do.

More and more I am being asked why I do what I do and what drives me. It feels really strange to share my story as I have always been preoccupied by understanding other people and exploring why we do what

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Intimidating or misunderstanding?

Intimidating Managers This week I attended a presentation on dignity in the workplace hosted by MFG solicitors.  We discussed the legal position of bullying and harassment and the impact individuals

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My Ideas Matter – confidence building 1

Part 1 of the confidence building series looks at how our trust in our own abilities directly impacts our self-confidence.  Confident people generally have a high level of self-worth.  So answer yourself

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7 truths about confident people

A reoccurring topic that I see with clients is lack of confidence. This shows up in so many different disguises, but beneath it always stems down to confidence. Lack of confidence shows up in so many

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Have you grown up enough for work?

Do you sometimes go into the office, or meet a group of colleagues and feel that you are still in the school playground?  I can’t tell you the number of times I have heard people say It’s

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