
Tag Archives for " leadership "

Why leaders can’t see what’s right in front of them and how they can learn to spot issues faster

Before you can diagnose the problems in your business, you need to almost take a step back and look objectively, sometimes you're too close to the detail and too emotionally invested to be rational. You

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Why coaching could be the best investment for Generation X Leaders

Leader X is coming into their own. Generation X may only account for 20% of the workforce, but they have taken 51% of the leadership roles. They are the start up masters and want to make a difference.

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Master the 10 rules of conflict and lead with better decisions

When I get with a team the first thing I do is watch for conflict. When I pose a question I observe who speaks, who glances at who and what isn't being said. This gives me a real insight into how healthy

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How to spot that toxic member of the team fast

I am all for bringing your own, whole, unique self to the workplace. In fact I champion authenticity and diversity. Yet sometimes you find that someone in your team that is actually harming your performance.

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4 steps to create a leadership strategy and future proof your company

Leadership strategies give businesses the advantage. The advantage of having a leadership strategy in place are huge. In fact, many CEO’s and HR leads are contacting us to help step up their leadership

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