
Tag Archives for " leadership "

Aggressive Leadership Style of Ryanair

Leaders shape cultures so should we really be surprised to hear of the problems Ryanair are facing at the moment.  All leadership and employee engagement research could have predicted the outcome, yet

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Leaders of SME’s biggest problems

Our research shows that leaders who are responsible for a business, or business unit with between 100-250 employees are facing similar problems.    Whether it is a fast growth business that has the

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Too busy to be kind

This week we saw world peace day come and go.  It reminds us of the big bold mission of peace and kindness in the world, but on a more personal level it reminds us to give a little kindness everyday. Yet

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Are you doing the leadership heavy lifting?

Leadership should be the easiest job in the world.  You create the vision of where your business is going, you align all of your processes, resources and people to deliver the vision and boom, the execution

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Conscious conversations to open up your team

Conscious conversations I recently watched a video on conscious parenting and how we all fall into the traps of repeating the parenting styles of our parents subconsciously.  As a parent, I have caught

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