
Transformation again? Get used to it.

Transformation blah blah.  What once was a buzz word now is just our way of living.  Life is changing at such a rate that we sometimes want to scream “Stop”. Can’t things just remain the same for just a day?  Yes technology, knowledge, globalisation, and information are all catalysts for change.  Ideas spread quickly, without borders or prejudice and new affordable technology impacts now we live, work and relate.  Some argue that change is no different now to any time before us.

Whichever way you chose to think, business transformation is now part of the modern age.  To stay in business you have to adapt, evolve, change and create.  But with change can come weariness.  I know I have experienced that in my old corporate world – “oh here we go again, another restructure”.

3WH was created to help businesses with change, but with a difference.  We wanted to put the people at the heart of that change, to adopt it, to innovate and create it and to own it.  I was so excited to see this Ted Talk by Jim Hemerling who also sees the world the way we see it.

Take 10 minutes to watch and hear why Jim believes you should put people at the heart of any transformation.


