
Tag Archives for " performance management "

The challenges of hybrid working

Leaders everywhere are discussing Hybrid working. It is definitely the phrase of 2021. In the past it may have been referred to as flexible working, but it has revamped and has some key differences. The

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Leaders Speak with Mark Burns

 Mark Burns"I have a strong belief in the power of relational trust.  Communities can achieve much more than individuals, but only if there is a common connection. " I am delighted to speak

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The ABC of performance management

There are so many businesses who create performance management processes that miss the mark. The intention is always to increase performance, the impact is often dread, paperwork, fear and unfulfilling

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From healthy conversations come healthy cultures

How healthy are the conversations in your team?  In fact, take a step back and think about where most of the issues arise in your business?  When you boil it right down, it usually starts and ends with

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Performance Management – a lesson in spellings

Performance management in practice Performance management is so simple, yet it is also the one of the hardest processes to get right.  In fact 75% of HR managers agree that performance management is either

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