
Category Archives for leadership

Why meetings fail and how to make them more productive

The Story:Meeting fatigue is real. According to a survey, 70% of people dread them, with “lack of clarity” and "waste of time" being the main pain points. Inefficient meetings are everywhere,

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Help, my staff are quiet quitting

The Story Talking with a friend, he shared how he had hired someone a year ago with hopes of making them the Manager, proactive succession planning. He knew I would be pleased that he had been

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New Year New You?

New Year ResolutionsI don't like to admit to setting resolutions because generally they are impossible to keep. Alas I do. I can't help it. New year is a new start so I, like many, reflect on what

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What employee engagement is not

Employee engagement has been buzzing around for the past 20 years and has so many interpretations it is easy to get a little confused by the topic. Employee engagement is not a perk, a benefit scheme

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What you need to know when leading 4 generations in the workplace

The generational landscape I remember talking with a senior leadership team back in 2015 who were perplexed with the younger generation. They didn't understand what they wanted or why they didn't

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