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Everything disc


DiSC is a behavioural assessment tool, but it is so much more than that.

Everything DiSC® is a personal development learning experience that measures preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model. This simple yet powerful model describes four basic styles: D, i, S, and C, and serves as the foundation for the Everything DiSC Application Suite. Participants receive personalized insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective.

The result is a more engaged, collaborative workforce that can spark meaningful culture improvement in your organization—whether your workforce is remote, in the office, or somewhere in between.

and now you can choose everything DiSC catalyst 

Virtual Learning

Catalyst™ is a personalized, learning platform that acts as a single access point throughout a learner’s DiSC® journey. Designed to support instructor-led facilitation or for individual exploration, Catalyst integrates DiSC into the flow of work, ensuring takeaways are readily applied. Learn how to lead better, align your teams more cohesively, sell better and build healthy, productive cultures.

What is DiSC?

DISC- Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness.

The everything Disc personality reports are more than your standard profile. They are transformational, insightful and meaningful tools to increase your personal and business effectiveness. 

The report is a living, working document that not only helps you understand your own style, strengths and weaknesses, it also gives you insights in how to increase your personal impact.  The report gives you tools to develop your effectiveness with other “types” and how to lead, communicate, build rapport and manage others.

Why DiSC?

Everyone is a blend of all four DiSC styles—usually one, two, or even three styles stand out. 

Through our workshops and programmes, delegates embrace their style and own their strengths and weaknesses, acknowledging that there is no perfect DiSC style. Since each person has a unique behavioral profile, people are walking around all over the world with different styles and priorities. These differences are extremely valuable. Once you assess these differences and harness the value, you’ll have better workplace communication AND healthier organizations.

  • Provides a common language to help teams understand one another and work better together.
  • Aides recruitment, team dynamics, balancing teams and supports succession planning.
  • Common understanding of behavioural preferences allows managers and leaders to adapt and flex their style and get results quicker.
  • Improves employee and workplace communication and engagement.
  • Helps you to understand people who aren’t like you…. or are too much like you.
  • Reduces conflict and avoids misunderstandings and increases motivation.