
Why you shouldn’t skip MyBusiness

In reality, most Leaders actually go straight to MyBusiness without doing the other My's first. They see the results are being achieved, so try to increase performance through their employees or systems. They then become trapped in problem-solving, reactionary management and working really hard because they haven't looked at the business holistically, top down, bottom up, outside and in. 

Everyone seems so busy – going from meeting to meeting, putting out fires and running everyone else ragged – they are just about managing, with no leadership in sight. They become bog snorkelers, stuck in the murky waters and simply don’t have the time to stop, take a breathe and lead. Your people become disempowered and can’t be proactive because they don’t know the direction of the team or its priorities.  

People try to create certainty by working on what is tried and tested, so innovation and creativity are pushed to the side and they just stay on their own hamster wheel of work. The other common symptom is over innovation, so trying so many new ideas without giving them a chance to embed. It feels like chaos. Disengagement quickly creeps in and their performance drops. If that doesn’t create a compelling case for creating a strategy and executing your plans, I don’t know what does.  

Most leaders are so busy doing, they fail to take the time to strategize, plan and communicate effectively. When I work with clients, they become excited about this stage as they finally see how everything will work. They shift from concept and thinking to action and delivery.  

In this step, you will learn how to turn your vision into a strategy, communicate a compelling message to align your people consistently. The strategy becomes a plan and forms team and individual goals that align with a grand strategy. The business objectives become embedded in a consistent approach throughout the business. You will learn how to maintain momentum, monitor progress and give praise when it’s due and feedback when it’s needed – again consistently.  

But ultimately, it’s about creating the structure so that you feel the confidence required to empower your managers to do their job so that everyone else can do theirs. 


Lucy Barkas

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