
Organisational Excellence

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  • Organisational Excellence

3WH Members Pro





9 Lessons

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Organisational Excellence

Bringing it all together

2 Lessons

This lesson introduces the module and explains the importance of bringing it all together.

Text lesson

3WH Members Pro

This lesson teaches you about the importance of the balanced scorecard and how it can help you as a leader consider all options.

Video lesson

Decision Making

3 Lessons

3WH Members Pro

This lesson goes through the importance of decision making and how it can help you as a leader.

Text lesson

3WH Members Pro

This lesson goes through 5 whys analysis and why it is a useful tool. 

Text lesson

3WH Members Pro

This lesson goes through stakeholder analysis and why it is necessary in making decisions.

Text lesson

Important skills

4 Lessons

3WH Members Pro

This lesson provides some useful tools on understanding risk before jumping in to making a decision.

Text lesson

3WH Members Pro

3WH Members Pro

This lesson teaches you the importance of delegating and how you can improve as a leader.

Text lesson

3WH Members Pro

This lesson discusses overcoming procrastination. 

Text lesson


About the teacher

Georgina Manning

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