
Generational Differences

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17 Lessons

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This course provides you with an understanding of Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z and what they mean for the workplace. You will get to grips with their similarities and differences as well as the best approach to take as a leader to keep each generation engaged.


Generational Differences

Introduction to Generational Differences

2 Lessons

This lesson introduces you to the generational differences course. It provides you with insight into the direction of this course and gets your familiar with each generation working within the modern workplace.

Text lesson

Registered and 3WH Members

This lesson helps you recognise the influence life cycles have on generations similarities and differences. 

Text lesson

Baby Boomers

3 Lessons

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This chapter introduces baby boomers, who they are and what they mean for the workplace.

Text lesson

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This lesson gets you thinking about the personal values of the generation and provides insight into their motivators. 

Text lesson

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This lesson helps you as a leader understand the best ways to lead Baby Boomers.

Text lesson


3 Lessons

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This chapter introduces GenX, who they are and what they mean for the workplace.

Text lesson

Registered and 3WH Members

This lesson gets you thinking about the personal values of the generation and provides insight into their motivators. 

Text lesson

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This lesson helps you as a leader understand the best ways to lead GenX.

Text lesson


3 Lessons

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This chapter introduces Millennials, who they are and what they mean for the workplace.

Text lesson

Registered and 3WH Members

This lesson gets you thinking about the personal values of the generation and provides insight into their motivators. 

Text lesson

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This lesson helps you as a leader understand the best ways to lead Millennials.

Text lesson

Generation Z

3 Lessons

Registered and 3WH Members

This chapter introduces Gen Z, who they are and what they mean for the workplace.

Text lesson

Registered and 3WH Members

This lesson gets you thinking about the personal values of the generation and provides insight into their motivators. 

Text lesson

Registered and 3WH Members

This lesson helps you as a leader understand the best ways to lead Gen Z.

Text lesson

Leading multi-generational organisations

3 Lessons

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This lesson helps you understand how to lead multiple generations in the workplace.

Text lesson

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This lesson will help you understand how you can develop your people through a multi-generational lens.

Text lesson

Registered and 3WH Members

This lesson provides a top tips summary of the course on the best approach to take within a multi-generational workplace.

Text lesson


About the teacher

Georgina Manning

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