
Webinar Registration

How to develop leaders, teams and rising talent.

Post-pandemic Leadership and talent development needs an agile and blended approach. We share 18 trends that will change the way you develop your people. You might have a group of rising stars who want to take control of their development, or a group of leaders who you want to develop together through a programme. They might meet in person or work remotely.

The platform serves all.

Join Lucy Barkas to unite your teams, offer budget friendly development and attract and retain great people. 

BONUS: After the webinar, you will be invited to to join a free trial of the platform so you can start developing your rising talent. 

You'll Learn How To

Leaders of a Small Business 

If you don't have the budget or expertise of a large organisation, I will show you how to embed a positive culture, develop talent or create people processes and systems. Start the transformational strategy conversations, create a change and build a future together

Leaders of a New Team

If you need to refocus, realign and rebuild, I will teach you the structure and methodology to do exactly that. Whether you are the new team member or are building a new team, following the courses will give you everything you need to lead authentically, align your people and set them up for success.

Leaders of a Remote Team

If you are onsite, remote or hybrid, I will show you how to develop all of your people in a unified way. This platform gives you flexible access so members can learn what they want, when they want it. There are no barriers to development. 

Upgrade memberships, create cohorts or work with a facilitator.

Leaders who Attract Talent

Get a development plan for attracting and developing talent along with the continual professional development that people today want. We know that talent want career progression and ongoing development. This platform is an easy way to demonstrate your commitment to them.


I'm Lucy Barkas

Lucy Barkas founded 3WH in 2013 with a vision of helping leaders to create positive changes in their business, to empower, engage and connect their people through Leadership Consultancy. Prior to this, Lucy had a successful career in the energy industry where she found herself managing others at 23, eventually leading national teams. Through this, she learned how to achieve high performance through engaging, empowering and developing others around a common idea or vision.

Lucy is author of the Amazon Bestselling book, LeaderX and podcast host on the LeaderX Podcast.

Lucy regularly features on BBC radio as their Leadership and work expert and has appeared on Sky News. She is a judge for the Business Book of the Year awards and forms a panel of experts for the Amity Business School, the largest University in India. And when she isn’t developing current leaders, she volunteers as a Scout leader, helping the next generation to develop self-leadership, resilience and teamwork.

3WH - Director and Best Selling Author

I have already delivered this programme to 100's of people

"I think the podcasts and material is extensive and bloody impressive!

This absolutely benefits businesses because you offer a range of learning experiences and pricing plans."

Recommended by Rachel - Trelleborg

Real Success Stories

We needed a way to bring our leaders and managers on the same development journey even when we were all working from home. Morale was low and people were feeling disconnected. This platform was brilliant in helping us design a programme to keep focus, unite our people and have some great conversations about the future of the business.

Kris Humphries

HR Director

Taking time out of our operational work time is challenging. We needed a solution that demonstrated our commitment to invest in them, without putting a burden on peoples already busy schedules. The 3WH platform has been a great way to deliver great training and upskill the management capability.

Christine Diaz

Operations Director

The 3WH platform has become embedded into our talent and leadership development approach. They helped us create a flexible approach for each group of people and the members meet regularly to focus on courses, discuss the topics and build skills. 

De Keklak

L&D Lead

Programme Overview


  • Identify where your business and team is right now and what steps you need to take
  • Identify the strengths and limitations of your organisation for deeper understanding
  • Identify your own leadership styles and how to build the ultimate team around you


  • Rewrite the tools for your vision and mission statements
  • Align your people through powerful goals and inspiring communication
  • Create a culture where you engage people through trust, transparency and healthy engagement


  •  Find an approach to performance management that works for you
  •  Create a legacy by being the leader you wish you'd had in your career
  • Get exercises that you can do on your own, or as a team to really transform your teams success


When you join the webinar, you will get exclusive access to all of the courses for a 30 day trial.

Be inspired to develop you, your teams and your organisation in the LeaderX way. Begin your development straight away.

Join the Webinar

Leaders evolve and grow over time. Every day you face a new challenge and we don’t want you to feel alone. This webinar will set you on the right road to:

  • Learn 18 top trends that the pandemic, technology, and younger generations have driven.
  • Leaders learn to identify where the business is right now and where it needs to be.
  • Develop a strategy to get from here to there, collaboratively.
  • Learn about personal strengths and weaknesses, values and beliefs.
  • Get clear on the type of leader you want to be.
  • Find the skills and tools to help create an aligned team to help lead the future business.
  • Step away from management and step up into leadership, freeing energy to focus on the bigger picture.
  • Learn to communicate with trust, humility and inspire others to follow your lead.
  • Understand how different generations work and how to create environments that ignite their passions.
  • Create a continual learning organisation that focuses on solution and success.
  • Embed a high performing culture that empowers others to do their best work and best thinking.
  • Creating a legacy will become a reality as you embed a culture that feels unique to you and your values.
  • Learn how to develop others to be brilliant and you will stand on the shoulders of the giants that you create.

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